Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Jar Story: 'I was a widow and didn't have a penny to my name'

Sparks, Maryland:

I lost my husband on Dec 11 2010.Not only did I lose my husband of 31 years from a senseless death but I lost my soulmate. Ed was and will always be the love of my life. When he died I didn't have an income anymore or insurance and all I could do was cry 24/ was I going to go on without my Ed? I am never up past 7-8 pm at night but I was alone and my son was visiting a friend so here it was Christmas Eve and I was a widow and my son was gone so I sat up all night and cried...cried so hard I couldn't breath...I was exhausted so I remembered I didn't bring my dog in yet and it was past 10pm so I let him in and went into my kitchen to put a glass in the sink when I noticed headlights in my driveway...I was a little frightened...who would be here that I went into the living room and turned my spotlight on and saw a big SUV pulling out of my driveway..scared as I was I opened my locked screen door only to find the most beautiful jar with a shinny gold ribbon on it and then noticed there were 2 jars and a gift wrapped gift so I brought them inside and was in more tears then I had been I was a widow and didn't have a penny to my name and someone dropped such a precious gift off and the wrapped gift was the Christmas Jar book...I had never heard of this tradition before but it surly sweetened my Christmas Day up. I actully smiled all day on Christmas knowing people were so thoughtful after all and I felt so guilty feeling scared when I saw the headlights when it was really an Angel looking out for me after all.

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