Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Jar Story: 'Would he feel the love that went into that jar?'

Prairieville, LA:

This is the second year of our Christmas jar tradition. We started our jar the day after Christmas 2009 and delivered it last night. My husband asked if I knew where we would go to deliver the jar and I told him that I had decided on a house months ago. I pass this home several times during the year coming back from my mom's in Mississippi. It's a small framed house in need of repair.

I've seen the older gentleman sitting out on his porch on occasion. Whenever I pass his home I just feel so sad. I've been so blessed in my life in so many ways. I want that for him too.

It's on a busy highway so I knew it was going to be a difficult task. I dropped my husband off at the edge of the driveway and continued down the highway trying to find a driveway to turn around in. I finally was able to do so and went back to pick up my husband. He left our jar at the door and made his getaway.

He said the porch was old and had been repaired several times. When he approached the door he saw a cat. Both being cat lovers I took that as a good sign. Last year the people had a dog and we almost got caught.

On the way home we wondered how he would feel when he opened his door. Would he feel the love that went into that jar? I hope he does. I hope it helps to make his Christmas a little bit brighter.

Tomorrow we start our jar for 2011. Thank you for writing your books and starting our Christmas tradition. It's one that we hope to continue for many years.

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