Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Jar Story: 'That little pickle jar full of love reminded me of that happiness and laughter'

North, Neptune:

It's Christmas Day. I'm married with 2 kids of my own. I haven't spoken or seen my biological father since I was 6 because neither of us need the reminder of those horrible things that he did to me when I was little. My older brother died about 8 or so years ago. My little brother has his own troubles and doesn't talk to me. My twice divorsed mom died suddenly two months ago. I didn't really want Christmas to come this year cuz it still hurts not having her around. I prayed for a little slice of her again, something that would be just a little hug from her to me. Someone knocked on my door, handed me a jar of coins with a book. I didn't know the person at all. She said that it wasn't from her but the book would explain everything. I read "Christmas Jars". Without realizing it, someone granted my wish. Growing up, my mom had a penny jar that we threw our spare change into but it wasn't a little pickle jar, it was a monsterous, clear glass jug that I don't think you can find anymore. Every once in a while, we'd empty the thing out and blow it on something fun for the whole family, Bush Garden was the favorite. That little pickle jar full of love reminded me of that happiness and laughter. I miss her all the more but at least the tears now are a little happier. I've been giving of myself every possible chance because that's the kind of person I am and to help myself keep moving so I don't fall into depression. I didn't even dream that someone outside of my in-laws and extended family would look out for me...
a teary thanks.

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